Sunday, May 14, 2006

Mother's Day


  Blogger No hath spake:

I loved the last photo. Your mum looks funny.

I hope you all had a great mother's day!

  Blogger H hath spake:

Ah! Wonderful pictures. She looked so solemn in the... High-school? Portrait, and so cheerful most of the rest of the time.

It makes me think of the fact that I have no pictures of my mother as a young woman, except my parent's wedding portrait.

  Blogger skittledog hath spake:

I love the third picture. I want to know the person behind those eyes.

I love my mum's child pictures from the 40s and early 50s. Unfortunately then she hits the late 50s and very early 60s and her hair goes scary bouffant.

  Blogger Narrisch hath spake:

Skits, I believe that is the best picture she ever took. I know it's my favorite, and my uncle's favorite.

I believe it was taken in her first year at uni.

"scary bouffant"

I think I'm happy that my mum's hair was too unruly to do that one.

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