Saturday, August 26, 2006
Carmel Pics

Taking off from Denver

Something went boom here. At first I thought it must be an impact crater, but then Lars pointed out it isn't hollow enough. This could have been over Nevada -- underground bomb tests? A volcano that has eroded?

The classic anvil-shape of a thunderstorm

Quail running thru the backyard

Carmel Beach


The quail is so cute! I didn't see any when I was there. Lovely pictures.
Rian adores quail. Yesterday there were six on the roof of the Abode: two adults and four babies. They looked Terribly Confused.
Aw, quail! Someone was going to get me one for a pet, once upon a time. My Mum wouldn't let me. *grin*
I am once again in awe of your photography. You'd better guard that camera while you sleep...
(More glotzing) In the pelican pictures he color of the water in late day light - liquid metallic sky, is something that is so hard to capture and you have it perfectly. The texture and clarity of the rocks is amazing. Beautiful.
wonderful photos Dana! :)
The quail looks truly yummy.
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