Saturday, September 16, 2006

The long road to Colorado

I'm a little behind on blogging... actually, a lot behind. The new university semester started the morning after we got back from California. I'm doing World History at one school, and Latin at another. It's gooood to get out of the rut and back into something that feels productive.

The drive home from California took about 30 hours, not including sleep stops. Oh yeah. And Someone Else doesn't have a radio in his car. I amused myself by taking pictures. None of these are works of art, but I think it's interesting to see how much the landscape changes between Here and There.


And one more before we hit the road...

Death Valley
Southern California: Somewhere near Death Valley and the Mojave Desert

So. Cal
Nearly out of California: I've never been a fan of deserts

Nevada: Viva, Las Vegas. And 110F outside. (93 in the car WITH the AC on) Truly, why do people live here?

Southern Utah

Glenwood Canyon
Colorado: Glenwood Canyon

Colorado: Coming over the Rockies

Down Monument Pass into Colorado Springs. Naturally, there's a storm over Pike's Peak.

Kudos to the driver.



  Blogger biped hath spake:

30 hours. Ouch.

  Blogger Archie Furrows hath spake:

A U-Haul! You had a U-Haul!

30 hours is long, long way to drive. Well done driver!

It's amzing how many different types of scenary you passed!

  Blogger Jess hath spake:

Colorado looks quite nice. I could live there. The rest of it... not so much. Too plain.

  Blogger Emma hath spake:

Carmel looks like my kind of place. Lovely beaches. *grin*

How's the Latin coming along?

  Blogger H hath spake:

Great pictures, as usual *smiles*

That third picture down is very cool... was it taken through UV filtering sunglasses?

  Blogger academiannut hath spake:

Dude - you've got pictures of nearly all of my old stomping grounds up here. Makes me reminiscent . . .

  Blogger Narrisch hath spake:

We had a U-haul! A-yup.

Latin? --> In Moria balrogum est.

Yes, the old sunglasses trick.

A-nut: uuuhhh which of the many states?

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