Thursday, June 01, 2006



So. Here I am in the Colorado Springs Airport. Here I go! Going now!

Except... flight delayed.

Ho hum.

*twiddles thumbs*


'Tis not a bad airport, really. They have free wireless. FREE WIRELESS. The two words in the English language that make Dr. Lorimer's little Scottish heart go pitter-pat.

And Indy is on MSN. Hi Indy!

So, Indy amuses me with tales of his Sims:

Indy: "It's great fun - you can play it seriously or find amusing ways to wind the little buggers up.
Or...ahem...accidently kill them."

Me: "*laughs more* Can they get run down by Sim busses?"

Indy: "I don't think so...*rubs hands together*
..but let's find out... "


Plane is supposed to be loading now.

*twiddles thumbs more*


Dr. Lorimer has a computer problem, which she explains at great length, not realizing I am sitting in an airport.

By now it is obvious that half the plane is going to miss connections. United has only one frazzled agent at the gate trying to rebook 50 people.


"Will the person who found a finance book in the men's toilet please bring it to..."


At this point it is obvious that I am not going to make my connection in Denver. The flight itself, at 16 minutes, is so short that they don't even bother closing the doors. Nevertheless, even if we left right now, I might make it but my bag definitely won't. Time to talk to Frazzled Woman.


Frazzled Woman has put me on Delta. Now I'm not going to Denver at all.

Salt Lake City, here I come.


Frazzled Woman told me to come back at 5:30 to see if they could "find my bag". First she tells me it went on the plane that just left for Denver. Ehh, did it, or do you *think* it did? I smile, she hems. I ask politely if she can radio the baggage guy who'd been tasked with finding it. She hems a bit more, but does. She thinks it is at Gate 12 on the loader now. Oh. Good thing I'm leaving from Gate 4.

I have a baaad feeling about this.

Stay tuned to see where Narrisch's luggage ends up! If the flight has pretzels! And if a freak blizzard snows her into the Salt Lake City Airport!


  Blogger myo hath spake:

*maintains a holding pattern whilst awaiting news update*

  Blogger Jess hath spake:

Oh Narr... I absolutely adore your new template. *falls in love*

  Blogger myo hath spake:

i wonder why myo cannot see the picture

  Blogger Archie Furrows hath spake:

Oh dear, my secret life as a Sim-killer is out.

I do hope you and your luggage make the journey safely.

  Blogger La Tulipe hath spake:

indylove! Rian is ashamed! Ashamed!

...did the bus work?

Poor Narrisch. Rian is glad twas not ME flying.

  Blogger Archie Furrows hath spake:

No. The bus, or carpool vehicle, will merely stop in the road and honk the horn.

Rather like real life, I suppose.

One does have to make sure to place the firework outdoors and away from flammable objects (like shrubs) if one is to not return to the game six hours later and find a fire has occured.

  Blogger Narrisch hath spake:

Indylove, shhh! I didn't tell them about you burning their Sim-houses down...

Jes: You'll make me blush!

Myo: I didn't have time to trim the images down from obscenely large to dialup-friendly. If you are on a modem *gasp* they might take forever and a day to load. Sorry. (I fear DSL has spoiled me, terribly...)

  Blogger H hath spake:

Ah, yes, the Salt Lake City airport views can be lovely. I was stranded there trying desperately to get somewhere once, and watched the sun rise over the Wasatch mountains. Very nice. I rarely see sunrises unless I've been up all night, and it had been a long day and night of thunderstorms and cancelled flights and I was only one hop away from my destination, finally.

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