Saturday, June 10, 2006


bonsai sequoia

Who would have thought you could bonsai a sequoia tree?


I expected this one to start throwing apples at me any moment...


Ginko leaves.

Monterey Bonsai Club, Annual Exhibition 2006
Seaside, CA


  Blogger H hath spake:

A sequoia! Who'd have thunk it.

  Blogger Narrisch hath spake:

I know! Craziness. I wanted to take it home, but they had ninjas posted at every door.

  Blogger Archie Furrows hath spake:

That second one has to be a baby Ent!

  Blogger Jess hath spake:

Ok, how did you get the border of the ginko leaves photo blurry like that? Was that in post processing? It looks fantastic.

  Blogger Narrisch hath spake:

Jes, as always, you are too kind. But thank you. *dimples* I don't think it's a great picture; there's just something about the shape of ginko leaves that I like.

And I don't have a digital camera that lets you play with focal length etc. etc. It was post-processing, I admit.

Narrisch needs a new camera. See how grainy it is? The one I have doesn't do well in low light.

  Blogger Jess hath spake:

No, the grainyness is why it's so cool! It almost looks like fabric. I like it a lot.

My camera doesn't do depth of field properly, which just continually frustrates the hell out of me. Nor do I have macro. Sob.

And Jes needs a new camera as well. I want a Canon EOS 20D. The 30D costs too much to justify the extras... But sigh, that's not at least for another year. Woe is us. ;)

  Blogger Skywolf hath spake:

Beautiful! I adore Bonsai trees. My dad bought me one once, when I was about 12 years old. I didn't water it enough, and it died. :(

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